First off, the summary on the back of this book is
completely wrong. I don’t think the person who wrote it read past the first
chapter or maybe, *maybe* two. The only thing he got right was the characters’
names. This book is a lot more than a girlfriend from hell pun-making buddy
adventure. To begin with Judy (who works the over night shift at a 24 hour
grocery store) finds a yeti eating most of the frozen food section. She calls
animal control who send out Monster, one of their crypto biological specialists,
to take care of the thing. This is where things get interesting; we learn there
are three kinds of people in the world: those who can see and work with magic,
those who genetically can’t handle the existence of magic and never perceive
anything remotely out of the ordinary, and those like poor Judy, stuck in the
middle. They can see and believe magic while in the presence of it or magical
creatures but hours or even minutes later forget that something strange just
happened except they always feel as if something is missing from their lives.
The story follows Monster home after capturing the yetis and
explains the girl friend from hell and how demons can be wandering all over the
town. It also goes in-depth into Monster’s personality, an Average Joe who just
wants to make enough money to pay for his TV and beer. The next day he gets
another call about trolls invading some woman’s apartment. He’s surprised to
find out that it’s Judy’s apartment and clearly something weird is going on
because strange things keep happening around her, crypto biological creatures
showing up way out of their common habitat or in groups when they’ve only ever
been seen as solitary or possibly extinct. This eventually leads to a witch and
the purpose of the universe. The end is a climatic battle between Evil and
Not-so evil since no one could ever really call Monster a *good* guy.
Witches, demons, and strange creatures! Oh my! I thoroughly
enjoyed reading this book. Despite its progressively serious story line, the
author managed to keep a light hearted tone. Also, I’ve never read a story
where magic was explained/functioned in that way, so I thought it was fairly
unique and kept trying to figure out who knew about magic and who didn’t even
of the extreme back ground characters who were there only for a scene or two. I
can see myself coming back and reading this again several more times just to
see what new information I can spot.