Thursday, November 12, 2015


And now for something completely different. An actual movie review.

     The movie opens in a dark room with a bunch of lit up, red circles around a center console. People appear standing on the circles. Every few minutes, the console sends out electricity of some sort and kills one of the people. After a few minutes of panic, the people figure out the rules of this game they are forced to play. The person with the most votes will die every few minutes (the time gets longer as fewer people remain) until only one remains. What happens after that is anyone’s guess.

     What a weird movie. The whole movie is a big debate over who is the worthiest person to survive until the ending. There is small twist at the ending but it’s nothing earthshattering. There is no real beginning or ending. It is one big middle. There is minimal explanation of how they ended up in the circles or what happens after the final person is left and no real character development. The only actress I recognized was Julie Benz. Despite this, I have been arguing with people since I’ve seen it over whether this is a good movie or not. The choices of the characters make you think but there’s not a lot detail about why this happened. It’s an hour and a half long but was paced well. It didn’t feel like I’d been waiting to finding out the ending that long. One person’s opinion is that some writers had a good idea but didn’t really know how to flesh out an ending. I find myself agreeing with this opinion the more I think about it. If you are curious or like character driven stories, it’s on Netflix and worth the time to watch it. I’d love to hear some other opinions on this one. 

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About Me

I love movies, music, and just about anything containing the written word. I also play a lot of games in my down time; video games, what has become known as adult board games, and RPGs among them.